Chances are, if you’re reading this, you’re wondering how you might be able to support this trail hiker ministry and the hiker center where we welcome them. There are a number of ways you can support what’s happening.
- Become a Trail Hiker Center Host! We keep the center open from 9:00am to 5:00pm daily from June 1st to September 30th. That 976 hours of hosting that we need help with. If you’re interested in helping host a two-hour shift, contact us at
- Help shuttle hikers to Spring Creek Pass! If you can’t commit to a trail hiker center shift, consider helping us get hikers to the pass. While we love larger capacity vehicles, any reliable automobile will work. The drive is 34 miles round trip and takes about an hour. The daily shuttle leaves at 12:00pm from the Trail Hiker Center.
- Join us for Sunday Trail Hiker Dinner! We host eight trail hiker dinners from the Sunday after the 4th of July to the Sunday before Labor Day weekend. While the main dish of each meal is provided by our church (or one of the local churches or organization), we need sides, salads, and desserts to make the meal a feast. Check out our Trail Hiker Dinner page for more information and the schedule of the dinners.
- Drop off snacks, treats, fresh fruits, or some mini toiletries! Each year, we host between 800 and 1,000 hikers in the center and many of our locals, summer residents, and tourist like to drop off stuff for the hikers. If you’re not sure if we need something, please contact us first at
- Donate to our Trail Hiker Ministry through our online giving portal! The Trail Hiker Ministry is financially supported by Community Presbyterian Church and our wonderful congregation. That said, we know that there are a lot of folk who would like to support this ministry. We now have a separate fund set up through our online giving portal with Vanco. If you’d like to financially donate, please us the link below. But before you do, please remember, we DO NOT accept donations from ACTIVE HIKERS (meaning you are currently hiking the CDT or CT as a thru or segment hiker).
But, if you’re finished with your thru hike (congrats, btw) or you’re sitting in your cozy armchair next December trying to get rid of some hard earned cash and you start thinking about us… follow the link below. All donations are tax deductible.